Wellbeing Soul

Wellbeing Soul works with inspiring and beautiful experiences for both body and soul In collaboration with Allt för Hälsan, fair visitors are offered to try different methods to increase their well-being in the group’s large and bright stand.

Wellbeing Soul offers an extensive workshop program and exciting taster sessions: for example, cocoa ceremony, crystal reading, chakra breathing, sound healing, meditation, yoga, tarot reading, tapping, breathwork and guided relaxation, as well as demonstrations of body treatments such as Kinesiology and Rose Therapy and more.

Wellbeing Soul is run by Lotta Ahlvar, Annika Olmås Nordström and Vanya Pernilla Mårtens. They are well-known profiles who have worked for a long time in design, interior design and communication. All are currently active in health and work both with individual clients and organize larger workshops for various events and companies.

Lotta Ahlvar, certified yoga teacher and therapist, and designer.
Annika Olmås Nordström, Kinesiologist – energy therapist and stylist
Vanya Pernilla Mårtens, founder of Kristallrummet and Osho therapist
