Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are the most ambitious sustainable development agenda ever adopted by the world’s countries and are designed to achieve four great things by 2030: ending extreme poverty. To reduce inequalities and injustices in the world. To promote peace and justice. Solving the climate crisis.

The Sustainable Development Goals can make this a reality. All for Health contributes to these goals through a range of actions. We have chosen to focus on Goal 3, Goal 4 and Goal 12, which we feel are closest to us and where we can have the most impact.

The symbol of UN Global Goal 3, good health and well-being

Objective 3 - Good health and well-being

The higher purpose of Allt för Hälsan; To promote public health by advocating sustainable physical and mental health based on movement, nutrition, recovery and the balance between them.

Allt för Hälsan makes the threshold for participation low for interest and professional organizations and for important bodies such as the Blood Center. We support the organization Healthy Women, which works to help girls and young women in the suburbs to better physical and mental health.

  • Good health is a fundamental prerequisite for people to reach their full potential and to contribute to the development of society. People’s health is influenced by economic, ecological and social factors and Goal 3 includes all dimensions and people of all ages.
  • In recent decades, great strides have been made to improve human health globally, for example, child mortality has fallen by 50% since 1990. Investing in health through prevention and modern and effective care for all benefits the development of society as a whole and creates the conditions for people’s fundamental rights to well-being.

Goal 12 - Sustainable consumption and production

Examples of actions on Everything for Health


  • Digital material instead of printed material
  • Collaborating with SL and SJ for sustainable travel
  • Tasting plates etc of cardboard, wood, bamboo
  • Paper and cloth bags in the bookshop
  • Water stations where visitors can fill their own bottle
  • Serving in restaurants on sustainable disposable options
UN Global Goals, Agenda 2030, Goal 12
UN Global Goal 4: Quality Education

Objective 4 - Quality education

In a society where most diseases and deaths can be traced back to sedentary and poor eating habits, we aim to educate to improve public health.
Allt för Hälsan offers a solid and qualitative lecture and activity program with the aim of educating and inspiring in exercise, nutrition, recovery and mental health.
Most of Sweden’s most sought-after researchers, experts and profiles are present at the fair’s activity areas.


  • Education is a fundamental human right. Despite this, an estimated 774 million people in the world are still unable to read and write, two-thirds of whom are women. Research shows that good quality and inclusive education for all is one of the most important foundations for prosperity, health and gender equality in any society.

  • Education systems worldwide must meet people’s needs throughout their lives – from pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education, as well as equal opportunities for lifelong learning for all people to participate in work and society. Education is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities that allow each of us to contribute to a sustainable society.

Read more about our sustainability work

Overview of the Stockholmsmässan building from above

Our sustainability work

Sustainability is about taking into account the needs of both current and future generations, and taking long-term responsibility in our daily activities. Stockholmsmässan’s sustainability work is based on three focus areas: Sustainable Community, Sustainable Environment and Sustainable Innovation.

A girl in a veil high-fives another girl sitting opposite with her back to us. She has her hair up. Healthy women's logo covers the whole picture

Healthy Women

Allt för Hälsan supports the non-profit network Healthy Women. Healthy Women is a non-profit network of young women who want to inspire and contribute to better physical and mental health. They offer free exercise groups, activities and social gatherings such as kickboxing, gym groups, girls’ nights and camps.